Led by Dr John Miksic, an archaeologist, we toured Fort Canning Hill and explored the historical secrets and values of the many artifacts and buildings we saw, and most importantly the tombs. We trooped all through Fort Canning Hill, past the Sally Port and round 'bout. Carefully explaining and sharing with us lots of interesting things, was Dr Miksic. We were really sort of taken into a world of our own, where each of us could actually see what was happening here in World War II. It was a enriching day of us Humanities students, because we learnt so many new things and it just couldn't stop us from jotting down all that interesting facts! Although the day wad rather humid, we did not really actually find ourselves prespiring and having the urge to go off and hide in a shade. Instead, I think we were somehow too engrossed in what Dr Miksic was talking about.....It was like at the end of the day, we were wondering,"Is that all?" This excavation has really benefitted all of us and it led us to
understand deeper into the story of our past. |